
This Week On DC Universe Infinite: 08/07/2024

This Week on DC Universe shows what would have happened if Robin lived

2 more Absolute Power books this week on DC Universe, along with a lot of new Batman; one being an Elseworlds book and another Elseworlds adjacent book from the Batman ’89 universe (I consider that Elseworlds adjacent). We also get 2 newish trades (See below).

This Week On DC Universe Infinite: Death In the Family: Robin Lives
  • Absolute Power: Task Force VII #1 (2024 – 07/10/2024)
  • Action Comics #1067 (2016 – 07/10/2024)
  • Batman ’89: Echoes (2024 – 07/10/2024)
  • Batman And Robin #11 (2023 – 07/10/2024)
  • From The DC Vault: Death In The Family: Robin Lives! #1 (2024 – 07/10/2024)
  • Green Lantern #13 (2023 – 07/10/2024)
  • Outsiders #9 (2023 – 07/10/2024)
  • Sinister Sons #6 (2024 – 07/10/2024)

Absolute Power is in full swing…Task Force VII has Waller’s forces taking on the Marvel Family…Green Lantern is a tie in book as well; a powerless Hal Jordan attempts to recharge as he’s hunted by aliens…Batman ’89 is a sequel to the Tim Burton movies; we get Dr. Jonathan Crane and Dr. Harleen Quinzel…Robin Lives! continues the Death in the Family story from the perspective that Jason Todd lived and killed the Joker…

Elseworlds books are back, with a sequel to an old, popular series:

  • Batman: Gotham By Gaslight – The Kryptonian Age #2 (07/10/2024)

Lastly, a couple of trades were added to the app:

It’s a little weird that these books were available 2 weeks ago and now showing again as being new.

I’ll be back Friday with a bunch of reviews; last week I was able to review some of the Absolute Power books and the first issue of House of Brainiac.

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