Beer Review: Good News IPA
As part of my renewed writing schedule, I wanted to focus on some local beer in this time of social distancing. I’m trying to support as much local as possible.
One of my favorite area breweries is Good News Brewing. I interviewed Dan and Matt a couple of years ago (and I need to get back with them because a lot has changed for them since then – they opened a 2nd location and a coffee house that offers street tacos). They are great guys and run a great brewery. As a result, I like to try everything they make.
ABV: 6.96%
IBU: 61
Style: American IPA
Brewery Description: American IPA with Centennial and Cascade hops.
Purchased as a single can from the brewery in a mixed 4 pack. Check their website for local delivery and pickup options.
Appearance: Pours a cloudy gold color. 1/8 inch head of an off-white color. Great retention and great lacing.
Smell: Smells of strong citrus hops, strong spicy hops, sweet malt, and a hint of piney hops. Fits the style of an American IPA.
Taste: Tastes of strong citrus hops, strong spicy hops, sweet malt, and a hint of piney hops.
Mouth: Mouth feel is sharp and crisp, with an average carbonation level. There is also a noticeable bitterness.
Overall: Good appearance with a strong aroma and body. The carbonation is right where it should be. The bitterness is a little on the high end, but this is a West Coast style IPA.
Rating: 4 out of 5