This Week On DC Universe Infinite: 01/15/2025
This Week On DC Universe Infinite: 01/15/2025
This week on DC Universe Infinite sees a couple of new All In books, Absolute Batman, and a bunch of non-canon stories. We also get a manga book and 2 trades.
All comic street dates are 12/18/2024 unless noted with the title.

- Absolute Batman #3 (2024)
- Action Comics #1080 (2016)
- Batman ’89: Echoes #5 (2024)
- Batman & Robin: Year One #3 (2024)
- Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #34 (2022)
- Catwoman #71 (2018)
- Challengers of the Unknown #1 (2024)
- Dark Knight of Steel: Allwinter #6 (2024)
- Green Lantern/Green Arrow: World’s Finest Special #1 (2024)
- Jenny Sparks #5 (2024)
- John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead In America #11 (2024)
- Milestone Universe: The Shadow Cabinet #2 (2024)
- New Gods #1 (2024)
- Nightwing #121 (2016)
- Plastic Man No More! #4 (2024)
- Question: All Along The Watchtower #2 (2024)
- Titans #18 (2023)
- Wonder Woman #16 (2023)
Absolute Universe: Absolute Batman teams with Alfred to escape the Black Mask…
Black Label: Jenny Sparks looks for a way to save hostages and stop Captain Atom…John Constantine might not survive his road trip across America…Plastic Man No More! deals with a nuclear bomb made of the Metal Men…
Elseworlds: Dark Knights of Steel: Allwinter concludes Slade’s story as he faces Viktor…
Gotham City: Batman ’89 sees Arkham go crazy and Batman struggling to get control; set in the Batman ’89 movie universe…Batman and Robin: Year One sees the dynamic duo struggling to be on the same page, both at home and in the streets…Catwoman travels to Stockholm to find out who put a price on her head…Nightwing tries to keep the gangs safe as the police force gets a new, violent upgrade…the Question investigates a murder on the Watchtower…the Titans are struggling to get along, so of course there’s a big attack on them…
Metropolis: Action Comics has the Super-Family face off against the escaped prisoners of the Phantom Zone; Supergirl’s backup story continues as well…World’s Finest sees the Super-Pets go berzerk and the Batgirl/Jimmy Olson duo has to stop them…
Everything Else: the Challengers of the Unknown team with the Justice League to seal rifts that threaten the galaxy…Green Lantern and Green Arrow team up to stop Deathstroke; back up story with the Flash…the Milestone Universe has Rocket recruiting Static to battle S.Y.S.T.E.M. while Sanction tries to take out the Blood Syndicate…the New Gods deal with the death of one of their own while Mr. Miracle and Big Barda try to raise their son…Wonder Woman’s war with the Sovereign continues on; guest staring Detective Chimp…
- Batman: Justice Buster #19 (2023 – 01/15/2025)
And a couple of trades:
- Nightwing Vol 6: Standing At The Edge (2016 – 12/24/2024)
- Superman Vol 3: The Dark Path (2023 – 12/17/2024)
No DC Go! titles this week.
Check out our other comic book posts.