PlayStation 5 Pro, is this the worst deal in gaming right now?
Introduction: Me and PlayStation 5
I want to start this by saying I love Sony and their games. One of my first games Crash Bandicoot on the PS one and my favorite game of all time, Kingdom Hearts, was originally a PS two exclusive. I even have a PS 5. All of that to say, I am not just “another Sony hater” as some might think. With that out of the way let us move on to the meat of my reaction.
Sony. Just. No.
In my opinion the PlayStation 5 is to expensive. $700 is a lot for a home console, especially for the benefits it offers. But what are the benefits, what does it offer? In Sony’s words: Play at 60fps, or up to 120fps, with 4K Output and Ray. (I’m assuming by Ray, they mean ray-tracing) For some people the difference between sixty and one-twenty frames is a lot, but not for most. 4k was already on the PS 5 base model just without as many frames, so, maybe worth it to someone.
The next major thing is 8K Gaming Support. This is silly in my opinion, not very many people have 8K TV’s because of how expensive they are. Sony’s own 8K TV is seven- thousand dollars! Along with that anyone I’ve ever heard from that has an 8K TV has admitted, the difference is minimal between 8K and 4K.
The last thing I want to criticize about the PlayStation 5 Pro is what is (or rather is not) included. The PS5 pro does not come with a stand or a disc drive. As someone who doesn’t stand their PlayStation up vertically, the stand wouldn’t affect that much.
That being said, how much does a little plastic stand cost? The thing that would affect me is the lack of a disc drive. I know I’m not necessarily in the majority but I do still like having physical games. Because of that the PlayStation 5 Pro is already a bad deal for someone like me. That being said, you can buy a disc drive to add to you PS5 Pro for 80 dollars.

I think you can tell by now, I don’t like the PlayStation 5 Pro. There’s not much more I could say to hammer home that fact. If this console is for you, you will know it, but it’s not for me.
Credit, Sony website PS5 Pro:
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