CLOUDY JUNE Releases ’21st Century Princess’
CLOUDY JUNE RELEASES “21st Century Princess” ON May 12
Cloudy June is taking the musical landscape by storm – something she owes not only to her very unique sound but also to her tremendously captivating attitude. Next-level realness might be a good way to sum it up: straightforward, self-confident, and yet approachable at the same time. At just 24 years old, she is already considered a queer icon for an entire generation, and this is only the beginning. The singer and songwriter will release her second EP “21st Century Princess” on May 12th.

Back in December 2022, she released the EPs first single “Devil Is A Woman”, which proved to be a huge radio banger in the German Airplay Charts. The track about women’s rights couldn’t come at a more appropriate time given current world events.
In Cloudy’s own words: “A lot of the time it’s women who are denied freedom. What’s masked as religion, is often oppression,” the refreshingly confident half-Cuban explains about her inspiration for the song. “If, when the woman fights for freedom, she becomes the devil in your eyes, then I’d rather go to hell with her than go to your heaven. That’s what ‘Devil Is A Woman’ is about.”
The second single “You Problem” feat. emlyn, turned out to be a song about cheating and the resulting consequences. If, however, you are expecting a heart-wrenching ballad from a track about toxic men in relationships, you may have forgotten whom we’re dealing with here for a second.
Evidently, anyone who cheats on Cloudy June (and representatively women in general) is clearly getting the shorter end of the stick. And so, to spacey bass sounds, a pounding beat, and a voice brimming with strength and power, Cloudy makes it known that she can get along just fine without the other person. With a seductive sound, as if she once again wants to remind the person in question what they are missing out on, she sings, “That sounds like a you problem, Karma’s coming through problem…”
About the track, Cloudy says: “’You Problem’ came to be in a session with emlyn, one of my favorite artists. We both are unapologetic in our songs and we both have had experiences with toxic men. ‘You Problem’ is aimed at these men who try to keep you down in order to protect their own fragile ego and ultimately end up alone because of their behavior. If you treat others badly and then wonder why they turn away from you – that’s on you.”
Third in line is “Love Under The Influence”, and this time it really is a ballad.
As far as “influence” goes, Cloudy June elaborates: “For me, the ‘influence’ is all the stuff that keeps you from facing reality in a relationship or situationship. It’s like a dream world in which you convince yourself that someone is meant for you. Whether it’s drugs, the fear of being alone or you’re blinded by the supposedly perfect qualities of a person—all of this gives you that love-hormone-like high until the ‘influence’ wears off and you’re forced to face the facts.”
On “Love Under The Influence”, to soft guitar chords and with gentle, heartfelt vocals, Cloudy describes what it’s like to always be the first one to write. She details the feelings of insecurity that go along with that, and how at least it doesn’t get boring when you’re essentially being treated like shit.
With this track, the singer-songwriter shows yet another side of herself sonically, proving once again how broad her palette really is – even if getting here wasn’t quite as easy this time around, as she herself reveals: “I kept trying to write a ballad and failed to create something that could actually pin-point the feeling that I’d been wanting to talk about for a while. Then we wrote ‘Love Under The Influence’.”
Coming in fourth is the focus track of the upcoming EP, which bears the same title: “21st Century Princess”. “[This track] is about a woman who defies traditional expectations and societal norms. I chose this song to be the title track of my EP because it represents the message of empowerment and self-expression that I want to convey through my music. The woman in “21st Century Princess” dyes her hair with ‘royal blood’ and gets tattoos because she is not afraid to break free from the traditional role of a passive and submissive princess. Welcome to the 21st century, where every woman should have the right to take control of her own life and story.”
“21st Century Princess” captures Cloudy June in all her mighty and admirable essence and stands for everything she so skillfully and proudly embodies, while at the same time representing everything her fans adore her for. The track features a danceable beat and melodic vocals that extend like arms, figuratively pulling you off your bed, couch, or chair as you’re listening and prompting you to move.
And then there are two more tracks that the EP “21st Century Princess” has in store for us: “Documentary” and “Does Your Girlfriend Know?”.
The EP’s fourth track “Does Your Girlfriend Know?”, which Cloudy June’s latest sold out tour was also named after, gets into the nitty gritty. The song is about a person who is in a relationship, but nevertheless makes advances toward others (in this case Cloudy) and is thus walking on thin ice. You can look all you want, but you can’t touch, Cloudy points out sternly while catchy sound effects and a base-heavy beat literally make the tension tangible as she bluntly asks whether the girlfriend of this person knows what he or she is up to.
The last song “Documentary” is one of Cloudys favorite songs on the EP. While the track gets pretty steamy, which is perfectly reflected by its seductive sound, you do have to listen carefully to catch what it’s really about: “’Documentary’ came from the idea of writing a song about a sex tape without ever mentioning the word. And somehow it also became a song about wanting to hold on to a feeling or a relationship and about how nothing lasts forever”, Cloudy explains about “Documentary.”
All in all, Cloudy June’s second EP “21st Century Princess” is a record that stands out from the masses both musically as well as in terms of content. While listening, one experiences Cloudy in all her different facets: sometimes bold, sometimes tongue-in-cheek, strong, but also vulnerable. Throughout the course of just 6 striking songs, listeners experience all her various moods and emotions, based on experiences and thoughts that most young adults can certainly relate to. The “21st Century Princess” EP brings a breath of fresh air into the monotony of today’s pop scene and shows that one can and should feel free to present themselves in all their raw humanity.