
PC Bombcast – The Comic-Pod: Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for Jim Ousley…

The comic-pod is back!

And with it we brought along writer, creator, and multi-time guest, Jim Ousley!

Jim joins Jay and I to talk about the experience of doing Butcher Queen and his upcoming horror series with Raymond Estrada, The Atonement Bell.

And after all that, Jim talks some pop-culture quick hits near the end!

So please give this episode a listen… and be sure to check out and make sure to support the Kickstarter!

The Atonement Bell – Kickstarter

Jeremy B. 

Episode 273: Never get into a gunfight with a baby… PCBombcast

  1. Episode 273: Never get into a gunfight with a baby…
  2. Episode 272: 001 Guy Only
  3. Episode 271: A New Year’s Ressurection!
  4. Episode 270: The Atonement Bell w/Ousley and Ruff
  5. Episode 269: We will miss you Chase Dog…

PC Bombcast
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