This Week on Marvel Unlimited: 09/30/2020
I’m back after a few weeks away with 11 new Marvel Comics on Marvel Unlimited. I’ve also kept busy with reading. Plus, some changes to the series going forward.
New This Week
Avengers #36
Falcon and Winter Soldier #3
Fantastic Four #24
Giant-Size X-Men: Tribute to Wein and Cockrum #1
Immortal Hulk: The Threshing Place #1
Marvels X #5
Shang-Chi #1
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #4
Strange Academy #3
X-Factor #4
Notes: Avengers continues the Age of Khonshu…Fantastic Four starts the post-Empyre run…Giant-Size X-Men: Tribute to Wein and Cockrum is a reprint of Giant-Size X-Men #1 that is drawn by 37 artists as a tribute to what Wein and Cockrum did to restart the X-Men franchise…Immortal Hulk: The Threshing Place is a one-shot from Jeff Lemire and Mike Del Mundo…Shang-Chi is getting up and running to coincide with the eventual movie…X-Factor is part of X of Swords (part 1 came out last week)…
Best of Last Week:
Rather than short reviews on everything, I’m going to rank what I read and give a sentence on why you should or shouldn’t read. I’m going to start launching larger reviews as I read books separately.
X of Swords: Creation #1: Book of the week and an intriguing setup for the overall story. Highly worth reading.
Maestro #2: I never read the Future Imperfect stuff, but I’m going to track it down now that I’m really enjoying this.
Juggernaut #1: A good first issues; Juggy works better when he’s trying to atone for his past and this continues that trend.
Spider-Woman #4: The bombshells keep dropping for Jessica and it’s been a strong story for a character I’ve never really cared for.
Venom #28: This alternate reality story is one of the better I’ve read in a while.
Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #5: This as been an underwhelming series overall; if it’s an ongoing, I hope they start the next arc without mentioning this one.
Immortal She-Hulk #1: It’s not that this one-shot was bad, but it’s repeated a lot of what’s happened with the character with just a hint of setup of the future.
Retro Review: None this week. I’m shooting for Future Imperfect for next week.
Don’t forget, the Krakoa Mutant Tracker is updated weekly as new books come to Marvel Unlimited (although it needs to be updated right now).