This Week On DC Universe Infinite: 01/22/2025
This Week On DC Universe Infinite: 01/22/2025
This week on DC Universe Infinite has the newest All In book, Metamorpho: The Element Man. We also have a load of the regular books, the Last Halloween, Black Label, Elseworlds, and another Shade addition.
All comic street dates are 12/26/2024 unless noted with the title.

- Absolute Wonder Woman #3 (2024)
- Action Comics #1081 (2016)
- Batman: The Brave and the Bold #20 (2023)
- Batman: Gargoyle of Gotham #3 (2024)
- Batman: Gargoyle of Gotham – Noir Edition #3 (2024)
- Batman: The Long Halloween – The Last Halloween #4 (2024)
- Black Canary: Best of the Best #2 (2024)
- DC Horror Presents…#3 (2024)
- Detective Comics #1092 (2016)
- Flash #16 (2023)
- Green Arrow #19 (2023)
- Green Lantern Dark #2 (2024)
- Harley Quinn #46 (2021)
- Justice League Unlimited #2 (2024)
- Metamorpho: The Element Man #1 (2024)
- Power Girl #16 (2023)
- Superman #21 (2024)
Absolute Universe: Wonder Woman takes on the Tetracide as we learn who the true enemy is…
Black Label: Gargoyle of Gotham leads Batman to the lair of Doctorgeist; series ends next issue…the Noir Edition is a black and white version of the orginial…
Elseworlds: Green Lantern Dark, set in colonial New England, focuses on Rina Mori, the holder of the Green Lantern’s flame…
Gotham: Brave and the Bold features team-ups of Bat-Mite and Zatanna, Plastic Man and Wonder Woman, and Animal Man with a mystery partner; Batman also discovers a tattoo on him that’s spreading…Detective sets Asema in motion as we learn what her ties are with Bruce Wayne…The Last Halloween sees Robin take matters into his own hands; Cliff Chiang on art this issue…Harley Quinn goes on full Furiosa…
Metropolis: Action Comics concludes the battle between the Earth heroes and the Aethyr’s forces, altering the Phantom Zone in the process; the backup story starts Kara’s journey home…Power Girl takes on her new rival Ejecta…Superman and Lois go on a date night as aliens look for revenge on the Man of Steel…
Everything Else: Black Canary trains with her mother before round 2 with Lady Shiva…DC Horror Presents Adam Strange bringing parasitic dirt to Rann…the Flash family investigates some quakes while Jai learns about the evolution of his powers…Green Arrow get some tough questions as he’s hunting down the Fresh Water Killer…the Justice League makes a horrifying discovery in South America while Batman deals with the mystery of Darkseid’s heir…Metamorpho faces off against Cy.C.L.O.P.S.’ hand-picked assassin in his debut issue…
- Shade #3 (1997 – 04/23/1997)
- Nightwing Vol 6: Standing At The Edge
No DC Go! titles this week.
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