
Beer Review: 4 Hands Brewing Single Speed Ale

I was recently able to pick up a six pack of can of 4 Hands Brewing Company’s Single Speed, an American Blonde Ale.  The St. Louis Brewery has the beer available year-round.  The ale, which has an ABV of 5.00%, uses jasmine to add a floral, fruity taste to a traditional blonde.

Offering: 12 oz can poured into a pint glass.

Appearance: From the can, the beer poured a pretty clear, light gold.  There was about a finger and a half of white head, which it retained for a while.  A thick lacing was left behind.

Smell: The floral hops are front and center with the jasmine and coriander hinting through.  There are also a hint of caramel malts.

Taste: Like the smell, the floral hops and jasmine are at the forefront.  There are very little hops in the taste, although the jasmine does as add a little bitterness.

Mouth: This beer feels very light and the carbonation is perfect.  It’s something that is easy to drink.

Overall: Single Speed is a good beer.  The overall taste is right there with other blonde ales, but the jasmine sets it apart from the other.

4 Hands recommends that this beer be paired with poultry and Camembert Cheese.

The Beer Advocate score is 80 Good; the Bros have not scored it.

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