Austin, TX One-Man Band NE’ER-DO-WELL Releases Debut EP ‘Fun Days’
Austin, TX One-Man Band Ne’er-do-well Releases Debut EP ‘Fun Days’

Photo: TLC Photography
“…a superb showcase of a versatile one man band, dropping massive hooks against a variety of equally massive riffs on a short rollercoaster journey that never sells the listener short.”- Real Gone
“It’s like Bryan Rolli sat down and said I’m going to take a little bit of 80’s metal and little bit of 90’s pop punk and make it my own original masterpiece. Mission Accomplished.”- The Whole Kameese
“The first single, “Compromise,” from Ne’er-do-well’s debut EP Fun Days does what it should, when it should and how it should. Mildly reminiscent of Fall Out Boy, I dig the way they aptly bulldozed their own sonic plot of land.”- Up To Hear Music

Austin, TX’s Ne’er-do-well (the moniker for one-man band Bryan Rolli) has released the debut EP ‘Fun Days,’ which is now streaming everywhere.
Stream “Fun Days” here:
Produced by Kieran Krebs of Overcast Recordings, the five-song EP is a wry, raucous love letter to the people, places and sounds that made Rolli the person and artist he is today.