This Week on Marvel Unlimited: 05/03/2021
Huge week as 15 new books are releases. 4 new X-Men books and 3 King In Black tie ins.
New This Week (Published 01/27/2021)
Amazing Spider-Man #58
Captain Marvel #35
Daredevil #26
Deadpool #10
Excalibur #17
Fantastic Four #28
King in Black: Namor #3
Marvel #4
New Mutants #15
Shang-Chi #5
Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #9
Strange Academy #7
Werewolf By Night #4
Wolverine #9
X-Men #17
Notes: King in Black issues: KIB: Namor, Deadpool, Daredevil…Shang-Chi is the final issue of the mini…Wolverine returns to Madripoor in his series…X-Men returns us to the Shi’ar in their book…Captain Marvel appears to have Namor in the issue…
Best of Last Week:
Cable #7: Cable returns to the arc of finding kidnapped mutant babies; we learn that the Order of X cult was just being used by Stryfe in the kidnappings. It’ll be interesting to see young Cable work with Domino in the next issue.
Iron Fist: Heart of the Dragon #1: I’ll admit that I haven’t read much Iron Fist in the past, but this was an interesting issue. I don’t know the lore, but the idea of story was interesting and I’ll stick with it.
Maestro: War and Pax #1: This continues Peter David’s Maestro origin series. Maestro decides to take over the work after defeating Hercules in the previous series. It’s interesting to see how the Pantheon and Doom factor into this alternate reality. I’m in.
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #7: Sana Starros reluctantly agrees to help Aphra meet with Lady Promixa to find out where the engine is headed. It leads to a lot of double crossing, detonite rings, and the next part of the adventure. Aphra continues to be a complex, interesting character and probably the best new character that Disney has created in the Star Wars universe.
X-Force #16: Krakoa is releasing “tumors” into the ocean that reminds me more of symbiotes then a cancer; they latch on to life and corrupt it. Wolverine, Kid Omega, and Forge travel into the ocean to eliminate the issue, but they find someone is ready to do it for them. It’s a fun issue, especially the banter between the 3 mutants.
Don’t forget, the Krakoa Mutant Tracker is (supposed to be, but not right now) updated weekly as new books come to Marvel Unlimited.