
Spared No Expense: Jurassic World

As soon as I saw the first teaser trailer for Jurassic World, I was sold. I have a strong nostalgic connection to the original film from 1993. It was one of the first PG-13 movies my mom ever took me too. I remember the thrill of the theme blaring when John Hammond welcomed Alan Grant  to Jurassic Park: pan shot of a world none of us had ever seen on the big screen up until that point. The sensation of jumping out of my seat when Mr. Arnold’s torn off arm fell on Dr. Sattler or the Raptor bursting through the pipes right after. The special effects were the first of it’s kind. I remember building wooden models of triceratops, T-Rex and stegosaurus as a kid and there I was watching them “in the flesh”.

After seeing the movie in ’93 I went back and read the book which was truly one of the few times a reader can say, the movie was just as good as the book. After the train wreck that was Lost World and indifference of the third installment the creators of Jurassic World seemed focused on tapping into what made the original stand out. As Ian Malcolm said: “Yeah, yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn’t stop to think if they should.”

This main focal point drives the horror portion of this newest installment. The greed of the Jurassic World corporation fuels the creation of a force that mankind cannot comprehend and again begs the question, should they comprehend. (A theme that will take center stage in Batman v Superman within the next year).

World pays homage multiple times to the first movie and even taps into a major plot point from the 3rd (vocal Raptors). The reintroduction of Henry Wu was a nice touch. Chris Pratt delivered a great performance as comic relief and made you believe that perhaps he could take up the mantle of Indiana Jones. I wasn’t impressed with Bryce Dallas Howard’s character but played a major role. One of the better surprises of the movie were the performances of Ty Simpkins and Nick Robinson. The brother tandem provided depth to the movie that made you connect to their characters, genuinely making you care for their survival. (Marvel should have taken note, Robinson had Peter Parker written all over him. See Kings of Summer as further proof). Lastly, the villain of the movie stole the show: Indominus Rex. A hybrid breed in the same class as Jaws or the T-Rex from Park. As Kyle Reese once said that could be applied to Indominus: It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.”

It’s fun ride. Go see the movie.

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